

时间:2011-03-08 17:00来源:装修设计师互动空间 作者: 材料选购点击:
深圳市室内设计师协会简介,深圳市室内设计师协会(SZAID) 自成立以来,以较高的专业标准、专业发展、专业责任及专业沟通来促进行业的发展。进入2006年,SZAID成功加入亚太空间设计师

  深圳市室内设计室内设计师 杭州室内设计师 装修设计师)师协会是经深圳市民政局、深圳市科协批准成立的以深圳室内设计室内设计师 杭州室内设计师 装修设计师)师为主体的专业性、非营利性社会团体(社证字第00557号)。英文名SHENZHEN ASSOCIATION OF INTERIOR DESIGNERS,简称SZAID。

  宗旨与任务: 本协会是深圳市一级协会,协会的宗旨是:以团结深圳室内设计室内设计师 杭州室内设计师 装修设计师)师,促进室内设计室内设计师 杭州室内设计师 装修设计师)学术研究,提升室内设计室内设计师 杭州室内设计师 装修设计师)水平,推进国内外同行的交流与合作,巩固和扩大深圳室内设计室内设计师 杭州室内设计师 装修设计师)师在全国的影响为己任,紧贴深圳室内设计室内设计师 杭州室内设计师 装修设计师)实际,发挥“服务、沟通、协调、监督”等作用,为广大室内设计室内设计师 杭州室内设计师 装修设计师)师、室内装饰(装饰托管 小户型装修 杭州装饰网 装-饰公司 杭州装修公司 装饰设计公司)设计室内设计师 杭州室内设计师 装修设计师)企业及消费者服务;作为政府联系室内设计室内设计师 杭州室内设计师 装修设计师)师的桥梁和纽带,本协会的另一重要职责是为政府决策提供专业咨询和建议参考,协助政府加强对设计室内设计师 杭州室内设计师 装修设计师)企业、设计室内设计师 杭州室内设计师 装修设计师)从业人员的规范管理和资格认证,推动新材料、新工艺、新标准的研发与应用,促进深圳设计室内设计师 杭州室内设计师 装修设计师)业的健康、有序、快速发展。


  协会会员: 深圳市室内设计室内设计师 杭州室内设计师 装修设计师)师协会会员分为:个人会员、团体会员、名誉会员、学生会员。在室内设计室内设计师 杭州室内设计师 装修设计师)专业领域具有较高造诣、业绩和影响力的会员,经协会理事会通过,可晋级为资深会员;在本协会之业务领域作出突出学术成就或重大贡献的会员,经协会理事会通过,可授予荣誉会员称号。申请入会须具有相关资质证明,并经协会理事会审查通过。

  深圳市室内设计室内设计师 杭州室内设计师 装修设计师)师协会(SZAID) 自成立以来,以较高的专业标准、专业发展、专业责任及专业沟通来促进行业的发展。进入2006年,SZAID成功加入亚太空间设计室内设计师 杭州室内设计师 装修设计师)师联合会(APSDA),更与海内外室内设计室内设计师 杭州室内设计师 装修设计师)专业协会联手合作,为在国内、国际间推动室内设计室内设计师 杭州室内设计师 装修设计师)行业的发展和推广先进室内设计室内设计师 杭州室内设计师 装修设计师)文化与行业实践而奋斗。


  SZAID的名称及标志是经中华人民共和国国家工商行政管理总局核准备案,只有深圳市室内设计室内设计师 杭州室内设计师 装修设计师)师协会会员才有资格在其名衔中使用SZAID的名称及标志。

  注册地址: 深圳市福田区八卦一路五十号鹏基商务时空大厦1611-1612室
  法定代表人: 赵庆祥 
  电话: 0755-83869411
  传真: 0755-83868622
  网址: https://www.szaid.com/
  邮箱: szaid@vip.qq.com


  Profile of Shenzhen Association of Interior Designers 装修材料装饰E站通信息zsezt.com

  Shenzhen Association of Interior Designers is established with the approval of Shenzhen Bureau of Civil Affairs and Shenzhen Society of Science and Technology. It is a professional and non-profit social organization, comprising interior designers in Shenzhen (Certificate No. 00557). Its name in English is Shenzhen Association of Interior Designers, abbreviated as SZAID.

  Purpose and Mission

  As a Class A association in Shenzhen, our purpose is to pull together all interior designers for promotion of academic research, design level, communication and cooperation among national and international interior designers; hold together all the interior designers as a joint force; consolidate and enhance the influence of Shenzhen interior designers in the whole nation; play the roles of services, communications, coordination and supervision so as to serve all the interior designers, interior decoration firms and consumers; as a bridge and connection between the government and interior designers, we offer professional advice and proposals for government decision-making process. Besides, we assist the government in standardizing the management and certification of decorating firms and practitioners, thus promoting the R & D and application of new materials, new process and new standards, which may ensure the healthy, orderly and speedy development of the interior design sector. 装修知识装饰E站通版权声明:转载时请保留原信息!


  Our members are classified into individual member, collective member, honorary member and student member. With excellent achievements, performance and influence in the interior sector, an individual member can be promoted to a senior member through the meeting of directors. With prominent accomplishments or important contributions in the fields of our association, an individual member can be granted the title of an honorary member through the meeting of directors. Membership application has to be submitted with relevant qualification certificates and review of the directors’ meeting.

  Publication and Web site

  Our publication is Shenzhen Interior Design and our Web Site is www.a963.com.These two medias are intended to communicate interior design culture and promote the concept of interior design, thus setting up a platform for designers to show their flairs and share their experiences.

  Over the past two years development, we are devoting us to servicing for the interior design field in Shenzhen and promoting its development with professional standards, development, responsibilities and communications. In Nov.2006, at the APSDA 2006 Congress and General Assembly in Malaysia, SZAID was accepted as the member in due form, which opened the window for Shenzhen interior designers as well as the foreign designers to enhance their international communication and cooperation. Only the members of us can use the legal name and logo of SZAID. 装修公司信息装饰E站通zsezt.com

  With the substantial support of supervising government agencies as well as joint efforts of our excellent interior designers in and abroad, we are in a good position in Shenzhen to strengthen ourselves with self-discipline, intensify our cooperation and communication with our national and international counterparts, and eventually push our national interior design sector to face the world for competition. Welcome people of all walks of life to work closely with our association!

  Our registration address: 10/F., Sichuan Building, Hongli Road, Shenzhen, China
  Legal Representative: Qingxiang Zhao, Executive Vice President and General Secretary.
  Telephone: 86-755-83869411
  Fax: 0755-83868622
  Web Site: https://www.szaid.com/
  E-mail: szaid@vip.qq.com 装修知识装饰E站通版权声明:转载时请保留原信息!




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